Hearing Location(s): On December 22, 2020, at 10:00 a. Social Security number requirements as described in WAC 182-503-0515; and (d) One of the following requirements: (i) Is in foster care, or is eligible for continued foster care services as determined by DCYF, under the. FAMILY, CHILDREN, PREGNANCY AND ADULT MEDICAL PROGRAMS. Newborn as described in WAC 182-505-0210; or; Child in foster care placement as described in WAC 182-505-0211. 23-01. (b) Greater than two hundred ten percent but equal to or less than three hundred twelve percent as described in WAC 182-505-0210 (3) (a) (ii) receive premium-based coverage. Statutory authority for adoption: RCW 41. In response to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) public health emergency, the agency will not provide a physical location for this hearing. 182-505-0117: Washington apple health — Eligibility for pregnant minors. If you are an SSI recipient, then you,. 021, 41. WAH MAGI-based adult medical as described in WAC 182-505-0250; and WAH MAGI-based alien emergency medical as described in WAC 182-507-0110. Report a change. The agency is editing the rule to include the correct hyperlink,. (7) We redetermine eligibility for children receiving apple health for kids premium-based coverage described in WAC 182-505-0210 when the: (a) Household's countable income decreases to a percentage of the federal poverty level (FPL) that would result in either a change in premium for apple health for kids with premiums or the children becoming. (c)Foster care coverage. 021,. 021 and 41. For purposes of this section, a child must: (a) Be a Washington state resident under WAC 182-503-0520 and 182-503-0525; (b) Provide a Social Security number. The hospital presumptive eligibility (HPE) program provides temporary. HTML PDF: 182-505-0115: Washington apple health. HTML PDF: 182. HTML PDF. (2) If you are eligible for the premium-based children's program under WAC 182-505-0215, we redetermine your eligibility under this section so that your family is not required to pay the premium. Meets the requirements in WAC 182-505-0210(1); (b) Has countable income below the standard in WAC 182-505-0100 (6)(b); andApple health SSI medical program described in chapter 182-510 WAC, or a person who meets the medicaid eligibility criteria in 1619b of the Social Security Act; Newborn medical program described in WAC 182-505-0210(2); Foster care program described in WAC 182-505-0211; Medical extension program described in WAC 182-523. (3) You are not eligible to receive RMA if you are:. Children's Washington apple health with premiums. You shouldin WAC 182-505-0240; (b) WAH pregnancy program as described in WAC 182-505-0115; (c) WAH for kids programs as described in WAC 182-505-0210 with the following exceptions: (i) Newborn children born to a woman who is eligible for WAH on the date of the newborn's birth, including a retroactive eligibility determination;(b) WAH pregnancy program as described in WAC 182-505-0115; (c) WAH for kids programs as described in WAC 182-505-0210 with the following exceptions: (i) Newborn children born to a woman who is eligible for WAH on the date of the newborn's birth, including a retroactive eligibility determination;WAC 182-505-0100, Washington apple health—Monthly income standards based on the federal poverty level WAC 182-505-0210, Washington apple health—Eligibility for children. Washington apple health breast and cervical cancer treatment program for women — Client eligibility. 182-505-0115; [ 2 ] OTS-4384. Chapter 182-80 (new), Primary Care Transformation Model (PCTM) Provider Certification. 505-0115; (c) WAH for kids programs as described in WAC 182-505-0210 with the following exceptions: (i) Newborn children born to a woman who is eligible for WAH on the date of the newborn's birth, including a retroac - tive eligibility determination;(c) Newborn medical program described in WAC 182-505-0210 (2)(a); (d) Foster care program for a child age 18 and younger as described in WAC 182-505-0211 (1); (e) Medical programs for children and pregnant women who do not meet citizenship or immigration status described in WAC 182-503-0535 (2)(e)(ii) and (iii); or182-505-0117: Washington apple health — Eligibility for pregnant minors. WAC 182-505-0210 Washington apple health Eligibility for children Effective 1, 2017 Monthly Income Household Limit Size 210% FPL (No Cost) 111 Monthly Income LimitWAC 182-509-0300 (2)(c), added "any amount of" and the clause "which is excluded from gross income under Section 86 of the IRC. WAC Sections. (b) If the children in your care do not qualify for a TANF/SFA grant, they may still qualify for medical assistance under WAC 182-505-0210. WAC Sections. (a) ((Medicaid-eligible)) C lients age ((twenty)) 20 or younger with complex behavioral health needs who are eligible for coverage under WAC 182-505-0210; and (b) Their families. (1) General eligibility. For purposes of this section, a child must: Be a Washington state resident under WAC 182. For purposes of this section, a child must: (a) Be a Washington state resident under WAC 182-503-0520 and 182-503-0525; (b) Provide a Social Security number. See WAC rule (Washington Administrative Code): 182-505-0210. Equal to or below two hundred ten percent of the FPL as described in WAC 182-505-0210 (3)(a)(i) receive coverage at no cost. For children who age out of the foster care program, see WAC 182-505-0211(3). (3) For cash assistance: (a) We compare your countable income to the payment standard in WAC 388-478-0020 and 388-478-0033 to the payment standard amount in subsection (3) of this section. (4) If approved for RMA, the agency or its designee issues an ap-A child born to a person with HPE coverage is ineligible for apple health under WAC 182-505-0210(2). program as described in WAC 182-505-0210; (b) A full-time student in an institution of higher education un-less the educational activity is part of a DSHS-approved individual responsibility plan (IRP); or (c) A nonrefugee spouse of a refugee. Title of Rule and Other Identifying Information: WAC 182-505-0215 Children's Washington apple health with premiums. Agency filings affecting this section. 182-508-0001. PDFWAC 182-505-0211. This is a reprint of the official rule as. 05. (a) Equal to or below two hundred ten percent of the FPL as described in WAC 182-505-0210(3)(a)(i) receive coverage at no cost. HTML PDF: 182-505-0211: Washington apple health — Foster care. See [PR(3] clarifying information on WAC 182-503-0520 for individuals not residing in an institution and 182-503-0525 for. 09. (c) A child is eligible for categorically needy (CN) WAH as de-scribed in WAC 182-505-0210 (1) through (5) and (7) in at least one of the three months immediately before the month of application. WAC 182-505-0100, 182-505-0210, 182-505-0215, 182-505-0225, 182-505-0235, 182-505-0237, 182-505-0240, 182-505-0300. (2) The authority, the managed care organizations, and the WISe provider agencies must use, continue to use, and substantially complyWAC 182-505-0210 describes Apple Health eligibility standards. (1) Unless otherwise stated in this section, a child is a person age eighteen or younger (including the month the child turns nineteen). 182-505-0120. 221. (2) The authority, the managed care organizations, and the WISe provider agencies must use, continue to use, and substantially comply with the WISe quality plan (WISe QP) for the delivery of WISe. A child who is eligiblefor SSI is automatically eligible for CN coverage under WAC182-510-0001. Medically Needy (MN) health care coverage, see WAC 182-519-0100. WAC 182-505-0215 Children's Washington apple health with premi-ums. (1). 021 and 41. See Health care for children WAC 182-505-0210 and 182-504-0125 for instructions. (1) The agency categorizes Washington apple health programs into three groups based on the income methodology used to determine eligibility: (a) Those that use a modified. HCA is committed to providing equal access to our services. WAC 182-514-0260 Institutional program for children under age nineteen. HTML PDF: 182-505-0100: Monthly income standards for MAGI-based programs. A child under age one is eligible for categorically needy (CN) coverage if the birth parent was eligible for Washington apple health on the date of delivery: (i) Including a retroactive eligibility determination; or (ii) By meeting a medically needy (MN) spenddown liability with expenses incurred by the date of the newborn's birth: Are you enrolled in Apple Health (Medicaid) coverage? It may be time to complete your renewal. 05. Connect with us Contact HCA Website feedback: Tell us how we’re doing Copyright © 2023 Washington Health Care Authority 182-505-0120 : WAC 182-505-0120 Washington apple health breast and cervical cancer treatment program for women--Client eligibility. WAC 182-505-0250 Washington apple health MAGI-based adult medical Effective 1 , 2017 Household Size Monthly Income Limit 337 800 263 727 $34533 190 . (a) Already eligible for medicaid or a children's health care program as described in WAC 182-505-0210; (b) A full-time student in an institution of higher education unless the educational activity is part of a DSHS-approved individual responsibility plan (IRP); orprogram as described in WAC 182-505-0210; (b) A full-time student in an institution of higher education un-less the educational activity is part of a DSHS-approved individual responsibility plan (IRP); or (c) A nonrefugee spouse of a refugee. Agency filings affecting this section PDF WAC 182-505-0250 Washington apple health — MAGI-based adult medical. (1) Purpose. Premium amounts are descri-bed in WAC 182-505-0225. [Statutory Authority: RCW 41. We redetermine eligibility for children receiving apple health for kids premium-based coverage described in WAC 182-505-0210 when the: Household's countable income decreases to a percentage of the federal poverty level (FPL) that would result in either a change in premium for apple health for kids with premiums or the. HTML PDF. (1) Eligibility for Washington apple health for the following people is determined using the modified adjusted gross income (MAGI) methodology described in WAC 182-509-0300: Home Eligibility A-Z Manual (EA-Z) Letters 200 Series Reason Code Protocols 200 Series Reason Code Protocols Revised on: November 29, 2022 Purpose: 200 Series Reason Code Protocols Go to the Reason Code Link chart to link directly to a specific reason code or scroll through the list below. (2) The authority, the managed care organizations, and the WISe provider agencies must use, continue to use, and substantially complyNewborn as described in WAC 182-505-0210; or; Child in foster care placement as described in WAC 182-505-0211. 182-505-0210. This includes the following: (i) WAH for parents and caretaker relatives (see WAC 182-505-0240); (ii) WAH for pregnant women (see WAC 182-505-0115); (iii) WAH for kids (see. WAC 182-505-0215 Children's Washington apple health with premi-ums. HTML PDF: 182-505-0210: Eligibility for children. WAC 182-505-0215 Children's Washington apple health with premi-ums. Effective on or after January 1, 2014, a person is eligible for Washington apple health (WAH) modified adjusted gross income (MAGI)-based adult coverage when he or she meets the following requirements:Section 182-505-0210 - Eligibility for children (1) General eligibility. (f) Children age 18 or younger in households with net countable income which is below 210 percent FPL, as described in WAC 182-505-0210 (3)(a). WAC 182-505-0210 Eligibility for children. WAC 182-505-0215 Children's Washington apple health with premi-ums. (2) The authority, the managed care organizations, and the WISe provider agencies must use, continue to use, and substantially comply with the WISe quality plan (WISe. (5) Pregnant people described in WAC 182-505-0115 must have countable income equal to or below one hundred ninety-three percent of the FPL. PDFWAC 182-505-0210. 182-505-0210(2) 4b. Parents can initiate treatment, but after age 13, a child must consent to services. (c) A child is eligible for categorically needy (CN) WAH as described in WAC 182-505-0210 (1) through (5) and (7) in at least one of the three months immediately before the month of application. Coverage . Statutory Authority: RCW 41. (a) ((Medicaid-eligible)) C lients age ((twenty)) 20 or younger with complex behavioral health needs who are eligible for coverage under WAC 182-505-0210; and (b) Their families. HTML PDF: 182-505-0211:For purposes of this subsection, an "eligible dependent child" is a child related to you in one of the ways described in WAC 182-500-0020. 05. Chapter 182-505 WAC Last Update: 5/24/22. (b) Greater than two hundred ten percent but. MAGI Based, BCCTP, HPE, and Foster Care : 182-505-0210 : WAC 182-505-0210 Eligibility for children. (1) You are certified as noninstitutional categorically needy, as defined in WAC 182-500-0020, or have been determined eligible for Washington apple health alternative benefit plan coverage, as described in WAC 182-505-0250. 182-505-0120. WAC 182-513-1110 (new) , Presumptive eligibility - Long-term services and supports in a home setting or in an. WAC 182-505-0210 Washington apple health — Eligibility for children. (7) We redetermine eligibility for children receiving apple health for kids premium-based coverage described in WAC 182-505-0210 when the: (a) Household's countable income decreases to a percentage of the federal poverty level (FPL) that would result in either a change in premium for apple health for kids with premiums or the children becoming. (b) Their families. (1) Effective on or after January 1, 2014, a person is eligible for Washington apple health (WAH) modified adjusted gross income (MAGI)-based adult coverage when he or she meets the following requirements: (a) Meets the requirements in WAC 182-505-0210 (1); (b) Has countable income below the standard in WAC 182-505-0100 (6) (b); and (c) Pays the required premium under WAC 182-505-0225, unless the child is exempt under WAC 182-505-0225 (2) (c). apple health under WAC 182-505-0210(2). See Health care for children WAC 182-505-0210 and 182-504-0125 for instructions. What is covered under the Alien Medical. Citation of Existing Rules Affected by this Order: Repealing WAC 182-505-0235 and 182-505-0237; and amending WAC 182-505-0100, 182-505-0210, 182-505-0215, 182-505-0225, 182-505. (b) Greater than two hundred ten percent but equal to or less than three hundred twelve percent as described in WAC 182-505-0210 (3) (a) (ii) receive premium-based coverage. For purposes of this section, a child must: Be a Washington state resident. 182-505-0120: Washington apple health breast and cervical cancer treatment program for women — Client eligibility. 05. (a) Equal to or below two hundred ten percent of the FPL as described in WAC 182-505-0210 (3) (a) (i) receive coverage at no cost. Income allocation and deeming (WAC 182-512-0900 through WAC 182-512-0960) For related eligibility rules and other information: Definitions of terms used in discussing health care coverage, see WAC 182-500-0005. HTML PDF: 182-505-0115: Washington apple health. Section 182-509-0005 - [Repealed] Make your practice more effective and efficient with Casetext’s legal research suite. HTML PDF. Apple Health public health emergency (PHE) Agency filings affecting this section PDF WAC 182-509-0305 MAGI income — Persons subject to the modified adjusted gross income (MAGI) methodology. Premium amounts are descri-bed in WAC 182-505-0225. (h) WAC 182-514-0270 When an involuntary commit-ment to Eastern or Western State Hospital is covered by Washington apple health. Reference to WAC 182-505-0210 added. For purposes of this section, a child must: (a) Be a Washington state resident under WAC 182-503-0520 and 182-503-0525; (b) Provide a Social Security number under WAC 182-503-0515, unless exempt; and (c) Meet program-specific requirements. Effective October 23, 2021 A child under age one is eligible for categorically needy (CN) coverage if the birth parent was eligible for Washington apple health on the date of delivery: (i) Including a retroactive. 05. (3) For cash assistance: (a) We compare your countable income to the payment standard in WAC 388-478-0020 and 388-478-0033 to the payment standard amount in subsection (3) of this section. Rule notices 2023. (4) If approved for RMA, the agency or its designee issues an ap-described in WAC 182-505-0240; (b) WAH pregnancy program as described in WAC 182-. (4) For the following SSI-related WAH programs, unless the state has adopted more liberal rules, income rules for the SSI program are used to determine a person's countable income:Formerly WAC 388-505-0580, 388-505-0590 and 388-519-1910. (g) Children age 18 or younger in households with net countable income that is between 210 percent and 312 percent FPL, as described in WAC 182-505-0215 . Purpose: The agency is amending WAC 182-505-0215 to expand the children's health insurance program (CHIP) to include coverage for eligible children of public employees. Purpose: The agency is updating these rules to correct the federal poverty level and to eliminate the contradiction between WAC 182-505-0210 and long-term care rules. Washington apple health — Eligibility for pregnant minors. Washington apple health breast and cervical cancer treatment program for women — Client eligibility. Washington apple health breast and cervical cancer treatment program for women — Client eligibility. 2. Washington apple health - Premium-based health care for kids. (b) Greater than two hundred ten percent but equal to or less than three hundred twelve percent as described in WAC 182-505-0210 (3)(a)(ii) receive premium-based coverage. m. For purposes of this section, a child must: (a) Be a Washington state resident under WAC 182-503-0520 and 182-503-0525; (b) Provide a Social Security number. HTML PDF: 182. WSR 17-12-018, § 182-505-0300, filed 5/30/17, effective 6/30/17. (a) ((Medicaid-eligible)) C lients age ((twenty)) 20 or younger with complex behavioral health needs who are eligible for coverage under WAC 182-505-0210; and (b) Their families. WAC Sections. (1) General eligibility. If. 182-04: Public records. Agency filings affecting this section. An HPE-qualified hospital must complete a separate HPE determination for the newborn child. General eligibility. eligible under WAC 182-505-0210, age 20 and younger who meet medical necessity criteria for this service. (2) Parents and caretaker relatives under WAC 182-505-0240 must have countable income equal to or below the following standards: (3) Parents and caretaker relatives with earned income above the limits in subsection (2) of this section are the only people who may be eligible for. MAGI Based, BCCTP, HPE, and Foster Care : 182-505-0210 : WAC 182-505-0210 Eligibility for children. than three hundred twelve percent as described in WAC 182-505-0210 (3)(a)(ii) receive premium-based coverage. WSR 22-12-033, § 182-509-0305, filed 5/24/22, effective 6/24/22. (1) General eligi-bility. Chapters. Code § 182-505-0210 - Eligibility for children . 160, Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act(f) Children age 18 or younger in households with net countable income which is below 210 percent FPL, as described in WAC 182-505-0210 (3)(a). WAC 182-505-0210 Eligibility for children. Meets the requirements in WAC 182-505-0210(1); (b) Has countable income below the standard in WAC 182-505-0100 (6)(b); andGreater than two hundred ten percent but equal to or less than three hundred twelve percent as described in WAC 182-505-0210 (3)(a)(ii) receive premium-based coverage. Eligi-bility after the retroactive period continues as described in WAC 182-504-0015(11). HTML PDF: 182-505-0100: Monthly income standards for MAGI-based programs. MAGI Based, BCCTP, HPE, and Foster Care : 182-505-0210 : WAC 182-505-0210 Eligibility for children. program as described in WAC 182-505-0210; (b) A full-time student in an institution of higher education un-less the educational activity is part of a DSHS-approved individual responsibility plan (IRP); or (c) A nonrefugee spouse of a refugee. Categorically needy medical institutional programs described in chapter 182-513 and 182-515 WAC do not meet the criteria for MPC. WSR #. Failed Incapacity RequirementChapter 182-505 WAC Last Update: 9/28/22. WAC 182-505-0250, for which the scope of coverage is called the alter-native benefits plan (ABP) described in WAC 182-500-0010;. WAC 182-505-0210, and WAC 182-507-0110. (1). (a) Already eligible for medicaid or a children's health care program as described in WAC 182-505-0210; (b) A full-time student in an institution of higher education unless the educational activity is part of a DSHS-approved individual responsibility plan. Apple health for kids and other children's medical assistance programs as defined in WAC 182-505-0210; (c) Medical care services as described in WAC 182-508-0005 (within Washington state or border areas only); andThe agency is replacing references to WAC 182-514-0255 with references to WAC 182-514-0263 because WAC 182-514-0255 was repealed under WSR 16-04-087. (5) You are the primary applicant on an application if you com-plete and sign the application on behalf of your household. R. chapter 182-507 WAC. A. An HPE-qualified hospital must complete a separate HPE determination for the newborn child. WAC 182-505-0210 Eligibility for children. Adults CATEGORY BASIC REQUIREMENTS WAC REFERENCES 1. WAC 182-505-0100(1) contains an out-of-date hyperlink to federal poverty level income standards. 20 or younger with complex behavioral health needs who are eligible for coverage un-der WAC 182-505-0210; and (b) Their families. (4) For the following SSI-related WAH programs, unless the state has adopted more liberal rules, income rules for the SSI program are used to determine a person's countable income:Rules for determining countable income are in chapter 182-509 WAC. 021,. 182. WAC Sections. Meets the requirements in WAC 182-505-0210(1); (b) Has countable income below the standard in WAC 182-505-0100 (6)(b); andPurpose: The agency is amending WAC 182-505-0215 to expand the children's health insurance program (CHIP) to include coverage for eligible children of public employees. (WAH)) Apple health for kids program described in WAC 182-505-0210 (3)(a); (e) Premium-based ((WAH)) apple health for kids described in WAC 182-505-0215; (f) ((WAH)) Apple health long-term care for children. Categorically needy medical institutional programs described in chapter 182-513 and 182-515 WAC do not meet the criteria for MPC. This is a reprint of the official rule as published by the Office of the Code Reviser. Coverage . WAC 182-505-0210 and Long-Term Care rules. HTML PDF: 182-505-0211:WAC 182-505-0210 Eligibility for children. Purpose: The agency is amending WAC 182-505-0215 to expand the children's health insurance program (CHIP) to include coverage for eligible children of public employees. What is covered under the Alien Medical Program(a) Already eligible for medicaid or a children's health care program as described in WAC 182-505-0210; (b) A full-time student in an institution of higher education unless the educational activity is part of a DSHS-approved individual responsibility plan. " In subsection (4), added exception for parents or caretaker relatives whose child's net income is below thirty-five percent of the FPL. 182-505-0117 << 182-505-0120 >> 182-505-0210. MAGI Based, BCCTP, HPE, and Foster Care : 182-505-0211 (c) WAH for kids programs as described in WAC 182-505-0210 with the following exceptions: (i) Newborn children born to a woman who is eligible for WAH on the date of the newborn's birth, including a retroactive eligibility determination; (ii) Children who are receiving SSI; Purpose: The agency is amending WAC 182-504-0015 and 182-507-0130 to expand the eligibility period for refugee medical assistance from eight months to 12 months for persons whose date of eligibility is on or after October 1, 2021. WSR 22-20-049, § 182-505-0211, filed 9/28/22, effective 1/1/23. This federal refundable tax credit partially offsets the cost of monthly premiums for qualified health plan (QHP) (defined in WAC 182-500-0090) insurance that an eligible person purchases through the Washington Healthplanfinder. Newborn medical program described in WAC 182-505-0210 (2)(a); Foster care program for a child age eighteen and younger as described in WAC 182-505-0211 (1); or Medical programs for children and pregnant women who do not meet citizenship or immigration status described in WAC 182-503-0535 (2)(e)(ii) and (iii); or(b) If the children in your care do not qualify for a TANF/SFA grant, they may still qualify for medical assistance under WAC 182-505-0210. (1) A child is eligible for Washington apple health with premiums if the child: (a) Meets the requirements in WAC 182-505-0210 (1); (b) Has countable income below the standard in WAC 182-505-0100 (6) (b); and. This is a reprint of the official rule as published by the Office of the Code Reviser. This includes the following:bed in WAC 182-505-0250.